HACCP Advanced (VILT): Validation, Verification and CCP monitoring.

Virtual Instructor-led (live/online)

Price: USD 300 | RM 1410

On Sale: USD 60 | RM 260

Virtual Trainer: Carol Hull-Jackson (DVM, MPhil, PhD)
Director, Food safety consultant, Microbiologist, Lecturer & Trainer

Accreditation: The International HACCP Alliance, USA (IHA). You will receive a certificate with the IHA seal upon completing this course.

Who Is This Course for:

  • Food producers
  • Food manufacturers
  • Food safety & quality control managers
  • Those involved in CCP monitoring
  • Those involved in the HACCP plan and HACCP system validation and verification exercises
  • Students of food science, food safety, etc.,

Learning Objectives:

  • Differentiate between verification and validation activities
  • Identify the components and requirements of prerequisite program verification
  • Understand CCP monitoring
  • Identify the components of CCP verification
  • Identify the components of the HACCP system verification
  • Identify the components of HACCP plan validation
  • Identify regulatory requirements for verification and validation

Course outline:

Section 1: HACCP overview

  • Review PRPs, the five preliminary steps of HACCP, and the seven HACCP Principles.
  • Define verification and validation.

Section 2: PRP verification

  • Develop a common understanding of PRPs applicable to HACCP and other FSMS, e.g., ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000
  • Understand the concept of PRP verification and validation.
  • Identify verification and validation activities for PRPs, such as environmental monitoring.
  • Identify examples of specific activities for PRP verification and validation.

Section 3: CCP determination, monitoring and verification.

  • CCP determination and setting critical limits
  • Monitoring: what, when, how, who?
  • Corrective action and record-keeping
  • Identify specific examples of each CCP monitoring and verification activity by examining a case study.
  • Identify parties responsible for, and the frequencies (when and how often) of, conducting CCP verification activities.
  • Identify the CCP verification records.

Section 4: HACCP system verification

  • Describe the components of a HACCP system verification.
  • Identify examples of activities conducted in a HACCP system verification.
  • Identify parties responsible for, and the frequencies (when and how often) of, conducting HACCP system verification activities.
  • Identify the HACCP system verification records.
  • Demonstrate how to interpret and utilize the results of a HACCP system verification.

Section 5: HACCP plan validation

Section 6: HACCP regulatory requirements

  • Recognize the regulatory requirements related to verification and validation (“reassessment”) requirements.
  • Identify current, pending, and proposed agency activities relating to verification and validation

Course content: slides; handout; case studies; reference and resource list; final test with 20 questions.

What you will achieve: Upon completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion with a seal from Hullson Consulting and the International HACCP Alliance.

Prerequisites: Before starting this course, learners would benefit by working in a food manufacturing, catering, or retail establishment.

Price: USD 300 | RM 1410 / On Sale: USD 60 | RM 260

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