Food defense and food fraud mitigation (on-demand)

Course format: On-demand/self-paced
Course Instructor: Hullson Consulting

Price: USD 135 | RM 600

Aim: To provide participants with the knowledge and skills for Food Defense and Food Fraud Mitigation planning

Description: This course builds on the HACCP and Food Safety Management and teaches the importance of Food Defense Threat (TACCP) and Vulnerability assessments (VACCP), Food Defense plans and preparedness.

What you will learn

  1. Define the following terms: food safety, food defence, food defence practices, bioterrorism, agroterrorism, supply chain, and food defence vulnerability.
  2. Explain the risk that intentional adulteration presents.
  3. Recognize the importance of food defence from farm to table.
  4. Determine how to handle different food defence situations.
  5. List the characteristics/criteria of a functional food defence plan.
  6. Develop a food defence plan and design food defence standard operating procedures.
  7. Identify food recall procedures for your operation.
  8. Create a crisis management plan.
  9. Describe the purpose of the food defence team/task force.
  10. Identify measures an establishment can take to protect its product from intentional contamination.
  11. Explain how to carry out food defence inspections and document food defence vulnerabilities.
  12. Recognize examples of vulnerabilities and associated food defence practices.

How you will benefit: This course will help you understand how to perform an internal audit of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS)

Who should attend?

  • Quality assurance managers and supervisors
  • Food safety coordinators and managers
  • Food defence coordinators and team
  • HACCP team members
  • Employees

Course Modules:

  • Section 1:
    • Definitions: food safety, food fraud, food defence, food fraud vulnerability, intentional adulteration, food defence practices, bioterrorism, agroterrorism, supply chain.
    • The risk of intentional food contamination and the importance of food defence.
    • Dealing with food defence threats.
  • Section 2:
    • Differentiating HACCP, TACCP AND VACCP
    • Characteristics of the food defence team.
    • Characteristics of a functional food defence and vulnerability plan.
    • Steps to creating a food defense plan
    • Food defence SOPs and food recall procedures.
    • Implementing food defence measures to protect products from intentional contamination.
  • Section 3:
    • Food Defense inspections
    • Examples/case studies of vulnerabilities and associated food defence practices.
    • Final exam

How you will learn: This virtual/on-demand training includes lectures, slides, quizzes, case studies, document templates, and a final examination.

What you will achieve: Upon completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion from Hullson Consulting.

Prerequisites: Completing the HACCP introductory/foundation and advanced courses will be an asset.

Price: USD 135 | RM 600

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